
  1. Custom metadata
  2. Metadata length limitations
  3. Global titleformatting fields


This info is relevant only for component version 3.0 and above.

Custom metadata

Component exposes the following metadata fields for the tracks made by it.

%fy_url%URL pointing to the track representation on the site. For search track it points to search page with corresponding search query, for video track - to the video page etc.
%fy_title%Original video title on the site
%fy_description%Video description on the site
%fy_channel_title%The title of the channel to which belongs the video. In most cases this is display name of the user but not always: channels on Youtube may not be associated with a user. Also in case of Youtube this is a display name of the channel. I.e. it does not have to be unique so different channels can have the same display name
%fy_channel_url%URL of the channel containing this video. Unlike %fy_channel_title%, this URL is unique for each channel
%fy_upload_date%Upload date in format YYYY-MM-DD
%fy_view_count%Number of times that the video has been viewed
%fy_thumbnail_url%URL to the video thumbnail
%fy_item_count%Number of videos for playlist, number of playlists for channel, number of search results for search
%fy_like_count%, %fy_dislike_count%Number of people who liked/disliked the video
%fy_rating%Average rating given by the users, from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best
%fy_like_ratio%Ratio of likes to dislikes filtered to prevent unfair values. Filter is quite simple but might be more effective than plain ratio:
IF dislikes > 10 OR likes > 100 THEN ratio = MIN(likes/dislikes, 999)

Metadata length limitations

By foobar2000 design, custom metadata fields should be accessible instantly. File system, which is main storage for these fields, cannot be used in this case. So as intermediate storage is used a storage associated with the tracks (tech info fields).

This approach brings limitation for the length of these fields. Default limit for tech info fields is 200 bytes and transformed to UTF-8 characters it can be much shorter depending on text language. Any text that exceeds this limit is truncated.

You can increase this limit by editing infoMax field in LargeFieldsConfig.txt file which is located in foobar2000 application data directory. Simple way to access this directory is to start foobar2000 and holding Shift key go to menu File Browse configuration folder.

Global titleformatting fields

Component exposes few fields that are not bound to specific tracks and contain video-related information:

%video_playback_state%State of the video playback (Stopped, Opening... etc.)
%video_file_stats%Media description of the file used in video playback
%video_popup_status%Status of the video popup window (possible values are visible and hidden)

Help Titleformatting